Community Wellness for Behavioral Health


In the present day society,  adolescents ,youth, women and girls find it hard to talk about help, issues related to NCDs ,addiction, trauma, domestic violence, mental health etc. We believe that talking about feelings, trauma asking for help is still a taboo and highly stigmatized and further biggest barrier in effective service delivery at grass root level.

The idea of forming Nada Acudetox India Network was mooted by Nada India to achieve the objectives of promoting barrier free health delivery services among marginalized. Nada India encourages Community Wellness for Behavioral Health including Addictions, Mental Health, and Disaster & Emotional Trauma.

Dr. Michael O’ Smith, psychiatrist and acupuncturist said “NADA Acupuncture teaches us to relax from the inside out.” This increased sense of calm and the quieting of symptoms that occurs as a result of the acupuncture treatment stimulates one’ own “Qi”( one’s inner energy) and brings us back into a more balanced state and chance to communicate. As we become calmer inside, we become much more aware of over selves and others. 

From this quieter, inner place we can then make more careful choices in our reactions to life situations.” 

Read more about AcuDetox.

You can also read about NADA helpful resources here.


Ear Acupressure for stress relief


A 15 year old girl from Bapu Sambhu camp, Delhi sharing her experience with one of the peer educators. I have used beads 10-12 times and every time I feel as my tension in my mind is reduced, mind becomes light and calm. I feel that all my work will be completed. No tension whenever I use beads. It becomes easy to study and remember chapters. All my work becomes easy and mind remains cool. I even take interest in my household chores and perform better and with ease. It helps me to sleep better. No tension and worries about the future, that what will happen to me in future. Absolutely, no tension! read more

“We’re talking about the body wanting to heal itself.

This comes from life, so you are choosing your own healing.

Nature wants us to get it right.” – Michael Smith, NADA Founder

How to Ear Massage

There is no wrong way to do it. Massage the upper ear with your finger and thumb – how long is up to you.

“‘How do you put on beads?’

What do you mean? I just put them on. And when I’m feeling frustrated, I put on another.” -Sheila Murphy

How to Apply Beads & Seeds

Again, there is no wrong way to do it. Ear Acupressure is less about the points themselves and more about giving yourself intentional time to heal. Stress less about where to put the beads and focus more on taking calming breaths and setting healing intentions.

What You Need

Be creative with what you have that is bigger than a poppy seed but smaller than a peppercorn. You can use any small round object such as a mustard seed and some tape (Band-Aid, medical tape, or other household tape available).

How to Apply Beads & Seeds

The general area to aim for: Shen men + Reverse Shen Men with a photo pointing to the top of the ear.

How to Apply Beads & Seeds

Trust your intuition. After the beads/seeds are in place you may gently press on them or let them be. They can stay on for one to two weeks, or you can remove them if they are uncomfortable.

For more details and how to get beads please call: 9810594544 

ABOUT Nada Acudetox Training

Are you looking for NADA Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist (Acudetox Specialist ) in India or next ADS training or hoping to add NADA protocol into your existing prevention, wellness ,addiction treatment or rehabilitation facility or behavioral health program? Indian Association of Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists is committed to ensure that the training and certification of Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists meet clinical and ethical standards.

Criteria for Acudetox Training in India (as per Indian Association of Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist )

The NADA protocol is an adjunctive formula tool that can be incorporated into any treatment modality for substance misuse, stress reduction , wellness ,trauma and associated issues. It is designed for those who are already working in the stress reduction service, addictions treatment services, trauma center or who want to add to their knowledge and provide other treatment options for their clients. This course is a blended learning experience – theory, practical, group work, ongoing assessment, individual examinations, continuing clinical and professional development and sustained membership. If you are a candidate working with clients who have, trauma, stress and substance misuse issues and you work within a supervised treatment setting then you may be eligible to do the NADA India training (IAADS approved). For example, we have trained candidates with a variety of roles within the De-addiction centers ,Prison Service, Mental Health Trusts, Probation Service, Community Drug and Alcohol Teams. These range from outreach workers, needle exchange workers, nurse specialists, doctors, prison officers, probation officers, physiotherapist etc.

Obtaining a Training Completion Certificate

Every trainee must complete the combined didactic and clinical experience provided and/or overseen by a Registered Independent Trainer. In addition, he or she will demonstrate to the satisfaction of that Nada Trainer a mastery of the basic competencies. Upon successful completion of all requirements (hours and competencies) and an application process, the ADS will receive a Certificate of Training as an Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist/Associate/Assistant Occasionally applicants are not able to demonstrate the required competencies even upon completion of the required hours of training. Such applicants will not be eligible to receive a certificate until they do so. Individuals may work with a Registered Trainer/supervisor to identify deficits and, in partnership, create a plan that will allow the individuals to achieve appropriate mastery of the materials and techniques.


The Training Completion Certificate indicates successful completion of NADA acudetox training and demonstration of entry-level skills. NADA does not provide initial or ongoing certification of ADSes /license to practice. 

ADSes are encouraged to maintain competencies and continue to expand their knowledge by pursing continuing education, attending the NADA annual conferences and maintaining active annual membership in the organization. ADSes each sign an Ethics Pledge verifying the understanding of and agreeing to abide by rules regarding limited scope of practice as appropriate, confidentiality, client rapport and respectful treatment, financial interest, and sharing experiences with the NADA community.

NADA asks that each trainee complete an application at the onset of training. This membership, good for one year, entitles trainees to all the benefits of membership including the newsletter. Upon successfully completing training requirements and demonstrating mastery, the Registered Trainer will submit the trainee’s completed application for the Certificate of Training as an Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist/Associate/Assistant to the Nada India office, signed by the Registered Trainer, along with the trainee’s signed ethics pledge.

Read more about ear acupuncture and addiction treatment in India.

Read the article_on_acupuncture_and_treatment_readiness.

If you wish to join the upcoming ADS/Acudetox Counseling training or are interested in integrating the Acudetox component into your existing setup, please contact the independent registered trainer directly at

Disclaimer: This course/workshops as of now do not provide any degree or diploma, these  provides additional knowledge to your existing clinical expertise. Your practicing of Acupuncture/Ear Acupuncture  will solely depend upon the law of land and your respective professional bodies. This course is meant for the doctors, acupuncturist and others as mentioned above to sharpen their clinical skills and knowledge through Continuing Education programs. 


Click here to read about Nada Ear Acupunture.


Nada India promotes two basic approaches one is the use of ear acupuncture at all stages of addiction treatment & rehabilitation and peer based interventions. NADA protocol was developed and spearheaded as a worldwide movement by Dr. Michael O. Smith Psychiatrist and Acupuncturist from New York the Founder of National Acupuncture Detoxification Association.


Indian Association of Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists (IAADS) was registered as a trust on 11/01/2011 in New Delhi with a focus on development of quality services available by Nada India, (Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists ADS ) in India by:

  • Promoting and advocating the understanding of the problems and issues faced by health professionals, Counselors, peer counselors who acquired training as Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist (ADS) as per the NADA protocol.
  • Advancing education and research in the field of Holistic health, Ear acupuncture (NADA protocol) and addiction treatment, rehabilitation.
  • Promote and advocate the professional needs of Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists (Like addiction counselor, peer counselor ,social workers and correction officers , physician and mental health professionals etc.) trained and certified as per the norms set by National Acupuncture Detoxification Association ( NADA) especially those working in the Government ,peer led rehabilitation centers, private and other non-governmental organizations.
  • The Trust will undertake initiatives in the areas of ethics, regulatory system, govt. policy vis a vis ADS, accreditation of CME programs, treatment guidelines & data bank related to ADS and their training. To maintain a register of ADS trained and certified as per NADA norms and guidelines.

Read more about the Nada newsletter here.


Developed in the 1970s at Lincoln Hospital (Bronx, NY), the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) protocol was originally used as a supportive component in drug and alcohol treatment settings. The 3-5 point ear acupuncture formula controlled withdrawal symptoms and helped patients become more clear-headed and comfortable. Nearly 1,000 licensed drug treatment programs use acupuncture in the U.S. according to federal N-SSATS statistics.

The 21st century has brought a remarkable expansion in the use of the NADA protocol. It is used in 130 prisons in England. Correction officers provide all the treatments under a 5 year training contract by Smart-UK. The jail program was expanded because of an 80% reduction in violent incidents. Post-trauma treatments have been given to community members after 9/11 and Katrina. Treatments for firemen have been permanently institutionalized in both cities. Ear acupuncture for stress has been used by thousands of para military ( Border Security Force) personnel in India through NADA-India.

NADA acupuncture has changed the face of psychiatric hospital care in Northern Europe. 3,000 nurses have been trained in 100 different government facilities. Refugee services in war-torn areas have been particularly impressive. The DARE program in Thailand has provided ear acupuncture for many years with a dozen different Burmese tribes in border camps. NADA was introduced during a 2 week training sponsored by Real Medicine Foundation in refugee camps in East Africa in May 2008. By the end of the year, 18,000 treatments were provided by the refugee trainees. Support was provided for survivors of a violent land dispute.

NADA members have used magnetic beads to treat children with ADHD and autism-spectrum disorders, and violence-prone adolescents. The beads are placed on the back of the ear opposite the shen men point. Bead remains in place with and adhesive 1-2 weeks at a time. Many instance of prolonged improvement have occurred, but this technique is only in an early stage of evaluation.

NADA acupuncture is used on a public health model. Treatments are commonly given in large groups on a frequent basis. Patients sit quietly for 45 minutes in a collective experience. Many jurisdictions have laws that allow a wide range of clinical personnel to be trained to use the NADA protocol in state approved facilities under general supervision of a fully licensed acupuncturist or physician. States that do not have this provision, such as Florida and California, have few NADA programs in comparison with states like Virginia and New York which do have this arrangement.

NADA uses 3-5 ear acupuncture points: sympathetic, shen men, lung, liver and kidney. In many settings only the first 3 points listed above are used. Results seem to be similar with 3 points, and there is less expense in Third World settings. NADA training also involves sterile precautions and social integration with other services. Apprenticeship training is always necessary because the clients are often troubled and distracted. NADA is a non-verbal approach. There are no diagnostic procedures. The ear points provide a balancing effect: some fall asleep; some feel relief of depression; some seem to be meditating. These balancing effects continue from one to several days even though the patient may be exposed to contrasting emergencies during that time. It is a coping and preventive effect. As an added note, Lincoln used electro acupuncture extensively in the 70s. Symptom relief lasted 6-8 hours. Our patients always preferred the prolonged preventive effects of manual acupuncture.

NADA acupuncture adds a valuable component to the behavioral health fields. Its worldwide validation strengthens the entire acupuncture profession. Click here to take the pledge.

Late Dr. Michael O. Smith, Founder NADA.


  • Reflecting on Navjyoti’s impactful journey and the legacy of its UNODC project, I’m inspired by how it brought together experts and communities to create transformative change. Yesterday, with Anuj and over 120 participants, I revisited these milestones, realizing their relevance today—especially as Nada India continues this mission, addressing how #TB and #NCDs disproportionately impact drug users. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how peer-led initiatives like these can be a learning opportunity for psychiatric social workers and public health professionals. Let’s also shine a light on the vital role of peer counselors in bridging service gaps and creating sustainable solutions. Your insights mean a lot to me. Join the conversation! Let’s explore how these stories can inform and inspire our collective work for healthier communities.
    Reflecting on Navjyoti’s impactful journey and the legacy of its UNODC project, I’m inspired by how it brought together experts and communities to create transformative change. Yesterday, with Anuj and over 120 participants, I revisited these milestones, realizing their relevance today—especially as Nada India continues this mission, addressing how #TB and #NCDs disproportionately impact drug users. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how peer-led initiatives like these can be a learning opportunity for psychiatric social workers and public health professionals. Let’s also shine a light on the vital role of peer counselors in bridging service gaps and creating sustainable solutions. Your insights mean a lot to me. Join the conversation! Let’s explore how these stories can inform and inspire our collective work for healthier communities.
  • Reflecting on Navjyoti’s impactful journey and the legacy of its UNODC project, I’m inspired by how it brought together experts and communities to create transformative change. Yesterday, with Anuj and over 120 participants, I revisited these milestones, realizing their relevance today—especially as Nada India continues this mission, addressing how #TB and #NCDs disproportionately impact drug users. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how peer-led initiatives like these can be a learning opportunity for psychiatric social workers and public health professionals. Let’s also shine a light on the vital role of peer counselors in bridging service gaps and creating sustainable solutions. Your insights mean a lot to me. Join the conversation! Let’s explore how these stories can inform and inspire our collective work for healthier communities.
    Reflecting on Navjyoti’s impactful journey and the legacy of its UNODC project, I’m inspired by how it brought together experts and communities to create transformative change. Yesterday, with Anuj and over 120 participants, I revisited these milestones, realizing their relevance today—especially as Nada India continues this mission, addressing how #TB and #NCDs disproportionately impact drug users. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how peer-led initiatives like these can be a learning opportunity for psychiatric social workers and public health professionals. Let’s also shine a light on the vital role of peer counselors in bridging service gaps and creating sustainable solutions. Your insights mean a lot to me. Join the conversation! Let’s explore how these stories can inform and inspire our collective work for healthier communities.
  • नाडा इंडिया फाउंडेशन के चेयरमैन सुनील वात्स्यायन बताते हैं, "शराबबंदी के फायदे या नुकसान को समझने से पहले हमें ह्यूमन कैपिटल को समझना होगा. जब हम ह्यूमन NDTV Interview कैपिटल की बात करते हैं, तो शराब समस्याओं का हल नहीं है. ये समस्या के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है. शराबबंदी से घरेलू हिंसा और यौन हिंसा में जो कमी आई है. लोगों की सेहत में जो कुछ हद तक का सुधार हुआ है, ये अपने आप में एक इंडिकेटर है कि शराबबंदी से फायदा हुआ है. शराबबंदी एक पब्लिक डिमांड पर किया गया था. अगर ये सिर्फ एक राजनीतिक फैसला होता, तो ये एक नुकसान का सौदा
    नाडा इंडिया फाउंडेशन के चेयरमैन सुनील वात्स्यायन बताते हैं, "शराबबंदी के फायदे या नुकसान को समझने से पहले हमें ह्यूमन कैपिटल को समझना होगा. जब हम ह्यूमन NDTV Interview कैपिटल की बात करते हैं, तो शराब समस्याओं का हल नहीं है. ये समस्या के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है. शराबबंदी से घरेलू हिंसा और यौन हिंसा में जो कमी आई है. लोगों की सेहत में जो कुछ हद तक का सुधार हुआ है, ये अपने आप में एक इंडिकेटर है कि शराबबंदी से फायदा हुआ है. शराबबंदी एक पब्लिक डिमांड पर किया गया था. अगर ये सिर्फ एक राजनीतिक फैसला होता, तो ये एक नुकसान का सौदा
  • Hi, I’m running for Nada India Foundation to save young lives and support families impacted by NCDs, losing education and work opportunities. Join us on October 20th at the Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon and back the Nada India team. Run with us, make a change, and learn more at #youthfortobaccofreeindia #healthycampus #iamrunning
    Hi, I’m running for Nada India Foundation to save young lives and support families impacted by NCDs, losing education and work opportunities. Join us on October 20th at the Vedanta Delhi Half Marathon and back the Nada India team. Run with us, make a change, and learn more at #youthfortobaccofreeindia #healthycampus #iamrunning
  • The Young India Wellness Campaign (YIW) is an initiative jointly launched by the National Association of Professional Social Workers in India (NAPSWI), a national-level organization of professional social workers, and Nada India Foundation, a national level organization focuses on addressing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and engages young students in building their capacities to become Health Ambassadors (HAs), peer counselors, educators, and health advocates in colleges and universities.
    The Young India Wellness Campaign (YIW) is an initiative jointly launched by the National Association of Professional Social Workers in India (NAPSWI), a national-level organization of professional social workers, and Nada India Foundation, a national level organization focuses on addressing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and engages young students in building their capacities to become Health Ambassadors (HAs), peer counselors, educators, and health advocates in colleges and universities.